The Orange County Association of School Administrators-Committee of Continuous Existence (OCASA-CCE) takes proactive steps to advocate for the interests of school administrators in state education policy decisions. With a focus on screening, endorsing, and financially supporting candidates for legislative and statewide offices, as well as backing political issues that enhance educational goals, OCASA-CCE serves as a strong and effective voice for administrators. Through active engagement and contributions from its members, OCASA-CCE strives to shape policies that positively impact the education system and empower administrators to create meaningful change.

 “OCASA CCE (Committee of Continuing Existence) Bylaws”  | “FASA (Florida Association of School Administrators)” | “PAC (Political Action Committee)”
There are two types of Political Action Committees

Chapter 4 Political Committees and Chapter 5 Committees of Continuous Existence (CCE)
The differences between the two are that Political Committees may directly endorse and financially support Political Issues. CCE’s can only contribute to groups and organizations that can support political issues.  Another difference is that Political Committees must report every dollar contributed to the organization by listing the name, address, and profession of every single member and contributor. CCE’s can simply report all their contributing members via dues or assessments of $10 each year without listing them by name.  Both Political Committees and CCE’s must file annual, quarterly, and during election years, pre and post General Election reports. If district Associations affiliate their CCE’s with the FASA-PAC, FASA will do all the reporting for the affiliate.

The goal of the Orange County Association of School Administrators-Committee of Continuous Existence is to participate in political action activities that create a strong and effective voice for school administrators in state education policy decisions. The primary purpose of the Orange County Association of School Administrators CCE is screening, endorsing, and financially supporting candidates for legislative and statewide offices and supporting political issues that may enhance educational goals.

This organization shall be known as the Orange County Association of School Administrators-Committee of Continuous Existence (OCASA-CCE)

The Committee of Continuous Existence shall be certified by the Florida Department of State.  The OCASA-CCE shall be an affiliate of the Florida Association of School Administrators-Political Action Committee (FASA-PAC).

The primary purpose of the OCASA-CCE shall be to further the basic objectives of OCASA and FASA through political action. The OCASA-CCE shall screen and endorse candidates in accordance with Florida
Statutes.  The OCASA-CCE shall encourage educators to register to vote and participate in political activities.  The OCASA-CCE shall contribute to and encourage members to support endorsed candidates.  The OCASA-CCE shall review political issues to ensure that they will enhance education and support achievement of said issues. In addition, they will support the defeat of issues that are detrimental to sound educational goals.

Active membership is comprised of members of OCASA who voluntarily contribute to the OCASA-CCE $10 of their annual dues.

OCASA’s Board of Directors shall serve as the OCASA-CCE Board of Directors. The officers of the OCASA-CCE shall be the President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Executive Director of OCASA. The president of the OCASA-CCE Board of Directors (or his/her designee) shall also serve as a member of the FASA-PAC Board of Directors.  The Executive Director for the OCASA-CCE shall be the registered lobbyist for the Florida Association of School Administrators. The Executive Director of the OCASACCE shall be responsible for filing all reports required by the Secretary of State. The Treasurer may only write checks co-signed by the OCASA-CCE President for purposes approved by the Board of Directors.  The OCASA-CCE Board of Directors shall determine the local budget for endorsement
and support of candidates and other political issues.

The OCASA-CCE Board of Directors shall serve as the Screening Committee for all state level candidates.  The registered lobbyist for the Florida Association of School Administrators shall serve as an ex-officio member of the OCASA-CCE Screening Committee.  The OCASA-CCE Screening Committee shall provide input to the FASA-PAC Screening Committee.

Each participating Board Member of the OCASA-CCE shall have one vote on the OCASA-CCE Screening Committee and must be present to vote.  A majority vote of the Screening Committee members present is necessary to recommend distribution of funds to endorse and support candidates and issues.  A majority vote of the Screening Committee present is necessary on all other issues.

Dues, fees, and contributions from members of OCASA shall support the OCASA-CCE.  The Board of Directors of the FASA-CCE recommends that the minimum dues for membership to affiliate CCE’s should be set at $10 per person, per year.  Assessments or dues paid for membership shall constitute at least twenty-five (25) percent of the OCASA-CCE funds.  The OCASA-CCE Board of Directors may accept contributions to the OCASA-CCE from members and other individuals or organizations as long as at least 25% of all its funds are derived solely from membership dues or assessments.  The OCASA-CCE may conduct fund-raising activities to further the goals of the Committee.

The FASA-PAC Board of Directors shall have the sole authority to endorse candidates only for statewide and legislative elections. The OCASA-CCE may provide assistance to statewide and legislative offices other than those endorsed by FASA-PAC Board of Directors. The OCASA-CCE may not endorse candidates opposed by the FASA-PAC.

The OCASA-CCE constitution and bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of its Board of Directors and approved by the FASA-PAC Board of Directors.  Amendments to the OCASA-CCE Constitution and Bylaws may be made by filing a copy of the proposed amendment, with the President or the Executive Director of FASA, at least sixty (60) days prior to the meeting at which the proposal will be considered.

The OCASA-CCE may disassociate from the FASA-PAC upon action by the OCASACCE Board of Directors. Upon dissolution of this affiliation, the assets of the OCASACCE held by FASA-PAC shall be returned to the OCASA-CCE.

If the OCASA-CCE is dissolved as a CCE, all residual funds shall be returned to the Orange County Association of School Administrators (OCASA).

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