Step into the heart of our association’s decision-making process with the meticulously documented minutes of our meetings. Within these records, you’ll witness the passionate exchanges, innovative ideas, and collective determination that shape our path forward. As you delve into the rich tapestry of discussions, resolutions, and policy statements, you’ll gain a profound appreciation for the unwavering dedication and collaborative spirit that fuels our mission to advance the welfare and protect the rights of our esteemed members. Each word etched in these minutes is a testament to the transformative power of unity, and a reminder that our shared journey toward educational excellence is built upon the foundation of open communication, unwavering support, and a relentless pursuit of progress.

2023 – Archived
Jan | Feb | Apr May | July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov

2022 – Archived
Jan | Mar | Apr | May | Aug | Sept | Nov | Dec

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